Our 5th Annual Us Vet Duffle Bag Gifts was another Success. Led by Alfred H. Gooden III, he and his team rallied to Thank Our Veterans in shelters for their service. The team jumped to action to provide much needed items in duffle bags for 48 (8 women and 40 men) veterans. Alfred delivered them and was able to see some familiar faces and new faces who were so excited and appreciative. One female veteran tearfully thanked Al and said, “It’s so nice to know people know we are here and we served for love of country.” We keep close to our motivation what one of the veterans served told Al a couple years ago; “We are not looking for a hand out just looking for a lifting hand.”
Our Bags were filled with:
- Sweat Shirts for the woman
- Knit Caps (2) each
- Thermal Socks (10) pairs each
- T-shirts (2) each
- Blanket
- Pen and note pads
- Protein Bars
- Hand warmers
- Gum
- Hand Sanitizer
- Tooth Brushes and Tooth Paste
- Bars of Soap
A special thanks to Harvey Cleary Builders Maryland Team (Joe LaFonte, Bob Richardson, Lee Young, Corey Anders, Catherine Hall, Nick Holland), Shaw Contracts (Melinda McLaughlin), Diamond Construction (Ray and Lisa Coffey), Win Supply Inc. (Bruce Watson), Matthew Armentrout, Ron Forthman, Pat and Jim Moran, Sarah Fields, Azadeh Babaei, Alfred Gooden, and all who participated and contributed to this wonderful cause! We look forward to continuing the tradition in the coming years.